Wednesday March 19, 2025
19 , Ramadan , 1446
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Canada versus the United States
Mohammed Azhar Ali Khan This year we had relatives visiting us from Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and the United States. They went to Parliament Hill in Ottawa and mingled with the 80,000 or so revelers for the Canada Day celebrations that included ...
Canadians favor security above all
Mohammed Azhar Ali Khan Canada has had a difficult time playing a double role — a staunch military ally and North Atlantic Treaty Organization partner of the United States but also a country that has sought, at least since the ...
Canada, US: An odd couple
Mohammed Azhar Ali Khan Canada and the United States celebrate their anniversaries next week – Canada on July 1 and the US on July 4. The two make an odd couple. One country has huge territory but a small population. The ...
Canadian Muslims feeling the heat
Mohammed Azhar Ali Khan Canadian Muslims, trapped between lone-wolf terrorists and Islamophobes determined to malign an entire community for the crimes of a few, are hoping Canadians will remain fair-minded and rebuff the purveyors of hate and lies. This year ...
Canadians learn about ME conflicts
Mohammed Azhar Ali Khan The celebration took place in Ottawa’s most elegant hotel. Guests included people from all walks of life. The hosts showed pride in their culture and their yearning for justice. The Palestinians of Ottawa were celebrating their national ...
Films show Canada the reality of Israeli oppression
Mohammed Azhar Ali Khan Movies often misrepresent people and their lives. But some documentaries present glimpses of real people living in the real world. They are made by people driven by their conscience to serve humanity by telling the truth. “Roadmap to ...
Canadians hear settler’s moving story
Mohammed Azhar Ali Khan Large-Scale illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank have made a two-state solution impossible and some Israelis are advocating further ethnic cleansing by banishing Palestinians to five isolated cities in the West Bank and annexing their ...
Politics gets exciting in Canada
Mohammed Azhar Ali Khan A federal election isn't due for two years, but politics in Canada is beginning to get exciting. People are wondering whether Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper, in power since 2006, will step down or seek another term. ...
Terror challenges Canadian Muslims
Mohammed Azhar Ali Khan Bewilderment, horror, disgust, helplessness, frustration, anger and disbelief sum up Canadian Muslims’ feelings about the mayhem in Boston and the attempted terror in Canada. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police arrested two Muslims saying they planned to ...
North American people shown a glimpse of Israeli repression
Mohammed Azhar Ali Khan The newspaper headline read: "The Israeli film Canada's leaders should watch." Leaders in Canada or the US may or may not watch the movie, The Gatekeepers. But the people are watching it and getting a picture that's ...
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